Voice to text everywhere
Voice commands are not just for Alexa, Cortana or Siri. Have you noticed receiving a lot of very long texts without all the shortcuts - for example "u" instead of "you"? It's possible that your text sender was using voice to text. On your phone's virtual keyboard, click the microphone icon to start dictating your text message and click again to stop. When you reach the end of a sentence, just say "period" to add that punctuation mark. Or you may want to say "question mark" or even "exclamation point"!
Use voice to text when sending texts, when taking notes, when writing emails, and even when filling out forms in a web app. It is convenient especially when using virtual keyboards on small devices. Who likes to hunt and select keys on those teensy keyboards? Not to mention the pain of switching back and forth between alpha and numeric keys, although not all virtual keyboards are created equal. Some have features that make them easier to use.
Read More.On some Android devices, the default keyboard may not contain the microphone icon. In that case, go to the Play Store and download the Google keyboard, also known as "GBoard". This will contain a mic icon.
Voice with the desktop
Voice to text is even possible on desktop computers. To show the microphone icon on Windows 10, use the Windows logo superkey and click the "h" key simultaneously. However, I usually, but not always, prefer to use the keyboard when sitting at my desk.
Switch between languages
The Iphone virtual keyboard has an extra plus if you need to switch often between English and another language using the keyboard. Click the little globe icon to select a different language and then begin speaking in that language. If you are a language learner, use voice to text to polish your pronunciation. If the text comes out hopelessly garbled, you probably could use some practice.